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October 2017

  • Parent Governor Election

    Published 20/10/17

    Dear Parent/Carer,

    Re: Poynton High School Governing Body - Parent Governor Election

    There are 2 vacancies for a Parent Governor to serve on the Governing Body of Poynton High School.

    The other members of the Governing Body represent the Local Authority, the school Staff and the local community. The powers and responsibilities of Governors have changed in recent times.  Governors should act in a strategic role, as a ‘critical friend’ to the school and be accountable for their responsibilities. The three core functions of a governing board are:

    1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
    2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff and;
    3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

      Parent governors provide invaluable insight and can play a vital part in helping the school to succeed in meeting the needs of the children and community it serves.  Where training is needed to fulfil the role effectively training can be arranged to develop the necessary expertise, knowledge and/or skills. 

      Governors are not expected to be instant experts.  Successful candidates will be provided with relevant information, by the Local Authority and the school, once they are elected, and it is expected that they will take part in training events to help them learn about their role. The Clerk or Local Authority offers advice and support to Governors on all aspects of their role.

      It is very important that parents stand for election to the Governing Body so that the views of parents are represented on it. Otherwise, a parent may be appointed to serve who has no children in the school and who knows very little about the school and its local community. Parent governors are representative parents to provide a parental view point, but not representatives of parents.  The role is strategic and is not operational and therefore parent governors should not involve any personal matters in their role as governor but instead speak to the School.

      Enclosed with this letter is a notice of election which carries further information regarding the appointment of a Parent Governor.  I would also draw your attention to the Code of Conduct form which provides an idea of what responsibilities and commitment the role entails. If you are interested in becoming a Parent Governor, please see Steve Chadwick, Chair of the Board of Governors, by contacting the School or the Clerk, Diana Malkin, who can be contacted at

      Remember, decisions taken by the Governing Body will affect your child’s future education.  To make sure you have a voice in that decision making, please make every effort to take part in these elections.

      If you want further advice please feel free to contact me.


      Yours faithfully,


      David Waugh


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October 2017

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Poynton High School & Performing Arts College

Yew Tree Lane, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1PU

01625 871 811